New Model for Law Firms

Unlike the traditional big law firm model, we leverage knowledge and know-how through the use advanced technology solutions and legal practice management instead of leveraging high cost junior attorneys. Our low overhead-cost platform allows for the seamless delivery of exceptional services to clients at a cost far below comparably qualified firms. Why have a team of attorneys on your file, each billing you as they communicate with each other, when you only need one experienced and efficient attorney?

"We Are Your Outside Counsel"

Our “virtual” model removes expensive offices and layered staffing costs from the equation. If you have a need that we cannot readily handle, then we immediately find you an outside legal source that we know and trust to jump in and assist under our supervision. You will not be doubled-billed for this as in traditional law firms, but you will be very satisfied.
Our approach does not require us to invest heavily in fixed assets, customized infrastructure and the ongoing support and maintenance like the big law firms.  Instead, we rely on software infrastructure and application offerings to deliver a highly secure, infinitely flexible and always available system at a fraction of the historical cost of such platforms.  Due to our experience in handling technology transactions over the past 25 years, and our expertise in technology development and utilization, we have creatively produced a unique configuration of these commodity systems, tied through open APIs to deliver an extraordinary powerful, adaptable and flexible working platform that is revolutionary in the legal industry.
Innovative and creative implementation of technology significantly reduces the fixed overhead of our firm. It allows lawyers and other staff to work at our clients & offices, from our resource centers or in a virtual environment anywhere in the world, always facilitating collaboration. Our technology also enables our lawyers, all of whom are senior, experienced practitioners, to function without the aid of expensive junior lawyers still climbing the learning curve.
We manage projects better, improve efficiencies, control costs and assure quality by ensuring that the right people are doing the right things the right way at the best possible cost in a diligent and timely manner. The days of overpaying for the right to brag about your large law firm are over. It is time to cut costs and improve efficiency.